Frequently Asked Questions: Copyright

This page contains Frequently Asked Questions regarding copyright and how it applies to this website. If you have any other questions, please contact the website via the Contact Us Page. Further details about Copyright with regard to the website can be found here.

Where does copyright lie with the material on Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website?
The majority of material on Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website is © Haydonning Ltd, 2002 - 2024, all rights reserved or © Simon Murgatroyd, 2002 - 2022, all rights reserved, except where explicitly stated.

Am I able to reproduce material from this website?
Only with permission of the relevant copyright holders. In the majority of cases, this is © Haydonning Ltd, 2002 - 2024, all rights reserved; Haydonning Ltd is the company which holds the copyright for works on this site by Alan Ayckbourn and his Archivist Simon Murgatroyd. If you would like to reproduce any material by either Alan Ayckbourn or Simon Murgatroyd, you must seek written permission first by contacting Simon Murgatroyd; action may be taken against copyright infringement, particularly if it is related to a commercial venture (such as the programme / playbill for a production).
Any other material - including images - is the copyright of the respective creator / author / organisation and permission to reproduce must be sought from these relevant bodies.

Can I reproduce photographs from this website?
No. All images are predominantly the copyright of Scarborough Theatre Trust or the respective photographer and should not be reprinted or stored in any format without express permission from the photographer / organisation which holds the copyright. Please note, photographers and photo agencies can and do scour the website looking for unauthorised reproductions of their photos and can take legal action against offenders.

Who should I contact regarding reproducing images from the site?
Any enquiries regarding photograph reproduction should be directed to this website via the Contact Us page.

Surely anything on the internet is in the public domain and can be reproduced regardless?
The internet is not public domain, it is a publishing medium to which copyright laws apply. Copyright applies to all material published on the internet - be it photographs, articles or any other creative endeavour - and is subject to the same laws. It is a common - and dangerous - fallacy that the internet is public domain and one that will not hold up if legal action is taken by copyright holders.

The copyright holder is frequently referred to as Haydonning Ltd, what is this?
Haydonning Ltd is a private company which holds the copyright on material by Alan Ayckbourn and his archivist Simon Murgatroyd. It is regarded as the copyright holder for the vast majority of material on this website. To enquire about reproducing anything credited to Haydonning Ltd, please contact us via the Copyright Enquires page.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the website via

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