Frequently Asked Questions: How Do I…?

This page contains Frequently Asked Questions regarding 'how do I…?' queries regarding Alan Ayckbourn and his plays. If you have any other questions, please contact the website via the Contact Us Page.

How do I obtain Alan Ayckbourn's autograph?
Whilst Alan Ayckbourn has historically signed autographs, there has - in recent years - been a noticeable increase in autograph requests which we are aware have immediately gone on re-sale on auction or shop sites. As a result of this, we have had to make the unfortunate decision that autograph requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only to personalised requests of supplied memorabilia. To request an autograph, please follow the steps below.
Send your autograph request along with an appropriately sizes SAE (stamped addressed envelope) to: Simon Murgatroyd, C/O Stephen Joseph Theatre, Westborough, Scarborough, YO11 1JW.
Please include details of who you would like the autograph made out to. Please note, Sir Alan will only sign autographs which are personalised (i.e. to the person requesting the autograph or another named person). If there is no name supplied, it will be signed to the return addressee.
Send the appropriate item (programme, playscript or other memorabilia) you wished to be autographed - please ensure the SAE covers the correct return postage and is of the right size. We will not cover any return postage costs.
Sir Alan will generally sign only one autograph per request.
Given the current crisis threatening British theatres, Sir Alan also appreciates that anyone requesting an autograph also make a small donation to the Stephen Joseph Theatre (click here for details and to make a donation).
If you have a query relating to autographs, please email Simon Murgatroyd at for further information.

How do I obtain copies of Alan Ayckbourn’s work on blu-ray, DVD, digital streaming, video, CD or audio cassette?
With difficulty. Generally most of the television / film / audio adaptations of Alan Ayckbourn's plays have not been released commercially. Full details of what is available can be found at the Encyclopaedia section. Please do not email the website with requests for recorded copies of the playwright's work - we do not keep them and would not legally be able to distribute them anyway.

How do I obtain a specific play-script?
All published plays by Alan Ayckbourn can also be ordered from this website via The Ayckbourn Shop. Published plays can also be purchased via Concord Theatricals, which publishes the play.

How do I obtain out of print works on Alan Ayckbourn?
Again, with difficulty. The best source is, Ebay auctions, Amazon or second-hand bookstores. Alternatively, Wendy Brockman emailed the site with this suggestion: "People can try their local library's 'inter-library' loan system. Public & University library shelves are full of out-of-print treasures and even our tiny library (Connecticut, USA) can request books from all over the country."

How do I submit a script to Alan Ayckbourn for advice / evaluation?
Please don't. Sir Alan has neither read submitted scripts nor accept submitted scripts since his retirement as Artistic Director of the Stephen Joseph Theatre in 2009 at the age of 70. Further details can be found on the relevant FAQ page by clicking here.

How do I obtain reviews or articles on Alan Ayckbourn and his work?
This website has more than 3,500 pages dedicated to Alan Ayckbourn and his plays. The website reproduces many reviews and articles about the playwright and can be used as a research resource. To obtain physical copies of material, it is always best to contact the publishing body (such as the Newspapers or publishing company). This website is not able to supply reviews or articles concerning Alan Ayckbourn and his plays other than what is provided within the website itself.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the website via

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